Program Success Stories


Philadelphia Three

RIP Bleu, Shorty and Goldi September 25, 2012 - We are heartbroken to report that our efforts to save Bleu, Shorty and Goldi were unsuccessful. Late Sunday night, the sanctuary where they were to live out their lives withdrew their agreement to take the dogs, citing a...

Billboards Operation Knock Out

Operation Knock Out HISTORY In 2009 after traversing through Camden City since 2003 and trying to encourage people to get their pit bulls spayed and neutered, Kathy McGuire had an idea to put someone on a billboard that would be a role model for people with pit bulls...

Dog Fighter Convicted

NO SECOND CHANCES NJ Aid for Animals was in court yesterday (9/8/09) to represent the three pitbulls that were victims in a dog fighting ring. The now convicted animal abuser, Khalil Spikes, pleaded guilty to a 3rd degree crime of "Fighting or baiting animals....keep...