Pass a Spay/Neuter, Anti-Chaining and Cross Reporting ordinance in your town!
Passing an ordinance is not as difficult as it may seem. Here are some helpful hints:
Step one: Find an animal friendly city or township official, i.e., council member, administrator, city clerk, mayor, etc. This person will become the sponsor of the new ordinance.
Step two: Write the ordinance. Use these as guides, rewrite if needed.
Step three: Lobby! Remember, your sponsor probably will not have time for this. With ordinance in hand and as much background information that you can carry, try to arrange for personal meetings with council members, the city’s legal department, and other city officials. Also, meet with your local animal control department, humane societies, animal shelters and schools. And, of course the police and fire departments. It does not hurt to include other nonprofits, such as child protection and drug abuse agencies. Don’t forget to write Letters to the Editor of you local paper and always point to other ordinances around the country, Lobby, lobby, lobby!
Step four: Submit your finished ordinance(s) for review to the legal department. Ask your sponsor to press for a date for the public hearing.
Step five: Assemble city activists and officials to attend the public hearing of the ordinance, usually during a council meeting. All should speak at the public portion of the meeting. Your lobbying efforts will now pay off. The ordinance will have a good chance to pass the public portion. If it does, a date for passage will be announced. If not, don’t get discouraged. Go back to Step Three.
Step six: The date of passage: celebrate! (for free advertising, make sure your local newspaper, radio and TV are present)
Step seven: Spread the message to city residents via printed information. This can be handed out by animal control and police. Posted at city hall, police and fire departments, community centers, schools, etc. Take out small (usually cheap) ads in community newspapers. And, again: Letters to the Editor.
Ongoing: Be visible in the community! Make presentations to schools, police and fire departments and community groups. All in all, attend as many local affairs as possible.
Vote for the Animals
Before you vote, interview your candidates to find out just how animal friendly they are. Urge government officials to support and/or sponsor pro-animal legislation. Write letters in support of legislation to protect animals.