On Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Dominique Dillard of Lindenwold, NJ was convicted of animal cruelty.

Dillard left her 7 week old pit bull outdoors from April 18 to May 11 when, on May 11, a concerned neighbor called police about the deteriorating condition of the puppy.
Lindenwold Police in turn contacted Available Animal Control to investigate.The attached pictures are what the Officer found when he arrived at Ms. Dillard’s address.

The Animal Control Officer took the puppy to the vet where it was pronounced cachectic and was not able to register a temperature because the puppy was so cold. Euthanasia was recommended but the Officer asked the attending vet to do everything possible to keep the dog alive rather than euthanizing it.The puppy stayed at hospital overnight and Officer was amazed that the puppy survived to the next morning.

Once the proper transfer of ownership, surrender and paperwork was completed between owner, animal control and shelter, NJAFA took ownership of “SCHMIEGEL”, named for his beautiful “precious” eyes on a skinny little body.Because of the quick action of this Animal Control Officer. Schmiegel is alive and well today.

Since this was an act of omission not commission jail time was not imposed.

As the owner of Schmiegel, NJAFA is very happy with the outcome of the trial. NJAFA along with the Animal Control Officer will be following up with Adult Probation to make sure that Ms.Dillard performs her community service. The Animal Control Officer will be following up on this address to make sure Ms. Dillard has no animals in her possession or at her domicile.

The Animal Control Officer, the Prosecutor and the Judge did an excellent job. Moreover, we wish to thank, Dr. Stuart Goldman, former NJSPCA Cruelty Officer and Trainer, mentor, friend, colleague and fellow animal lover for his expert counsel during this entire ordeal with Schmiegel. The alliance between Dr.Goldman, Animal Control Officers for City of Camden Kathy McGuire, President of NJ Aid for Animals, has proven to be in the past, is currently demonstrating and will continue to show the power of animal control officers and and private citizens.