May 9, 2008 – Today, Robert McCann appeared in the courtroom of Judge McNeill from Camden County Superior Court to plead his case that the taxpayers of the State of NJ should pay for his appeal fees and transcripts.

Judge McNeill was very terse in his decision saying that “you have not adequately proven that you are indigent as described in the words of Webster’s Dictionary.

Mr. McCann who testified in the April that he worked as a paralegal for three different law firms lied today under oath when he failed to include that on his affidavit proving indigence AND when the judge questioned him. It was only when the prosecutor from the Coco case, David Mapp, told the judge he had evidence Mr. McCann was lying about his income that Mr. McCann tap danced and said “oh well I don’t really work for anyone as a paralegal I just consider myself one because I have been pro se for so long and I am so good at it”.

Mr. McCann also went on to testify that he was fired from his last three jobs and has lawsuits with all of them for racially motivated terminations. He did win a lawsuit with Radio Shack with whom he worked for $l2,000 (again for “racial problems”)

When Judge McNeill admonished Mr. McCann for essentially “lying to the court” and denying his motion for indigency, Mr. McCann asked the judge what the next step would be that Mr. McCann could appeal this decision wherein, the judge said succinctly:

“You are the paralegal, you figure it out, I am under no obligation to give you legal advice” Finally a judge with some balls!

NOT LIKE JUDGE GOLDEN who offered Mr. McCann all the free legal advice during Coco’s testimony. Anyone listening to the testimony of Mr. McCann at the trial in April and the judge’s obsequious proffering to the defendant , would have thought that Judge was on the side of the animal abuser.

Robert McCann stormed out of the courtroom and told the judge and the prosecutors there that “this hearing will be appealed”.

Now Mr. McCann has to appeal the hearing to demonstrate his indigent state and convince the judge in the new hearing that he is in fact indigent. Then if and when that can be done, he can proceed with his taxpayer funds to “purchase” the transcripts of which he needs to appeal his case. (Anything to get out of l00 hours of community service and that money owed to Honey Rothberg).

By irony of this appeal today is guess who the judge will be hearing the appeal of this hearing? You got it Judge McNeill.