PET FOOD & SUPPLY DRIVE – December (entire month) – 21st Century Storage of Pennsauken is holding a Pet Food & Supply Drive for the New Jersey Aid for Animals (NJAFA). NJAFA needs dog collars and leashes. They also need pet food; however, as they do not have room to store food for cats and dogs, they ask for PetSmart or Wal-Mart gift cards. They also have clothing bins that when stuffed full, they receive a donation from the recycling company. They are asking for bagged donations of old clothes, towels, sheets or any soft goods for their clothing bins. Please bring your donations to 21st Century Storage, located at 7490 S. Crescent Blvd, Pennauken, NJ 08109. Donation Hours: Monday thru Friday 9-6, Sat. 9-5 and Sunday 9-4.