UPDATE 8/l4/2012 Dominique Dillard has performed her 90 hours of community service. This case is officially closed.

Schmiegel’s abuser has still not done her community service.

ONE YEAR LATER and she has only done 20 hours because as she told the CEP Officer, “it is really inconvenient for me”.

When Kathy McGuire, President of NJ Aid for Animals showed up at Dillard’s last hearing in April, 2012, Dillard was a no show. Enforcement Officer at CEP Court in Cherry Hill decided to give Dillard “another chance” and another hearing which is scheduled for June 14. YES WE WILL BE THERE. We contacted head of Camden County Adult Probation and Enforcement. The Chief indicated to us that because the courts will KICK BACK the cases that go to CEP Court, CEP has to be very thorough in their due diligence as to WHY THE CEP COURT IS KICKING BACK A CASE TO THE MUNICIPALITYS’ DOCKET.

I assured the Chief that in this case, unlike a simple theft of a widget from Walmart where the defendant has to do CS, there is no Walmart executive attending CEP hearings to make sure the THIEF is doing their CS. If and when this case of Dominque Dillard accused animal abuser extraordinaire is kicked back to Lindenwold, the prosecutor and a petition with over 5,000 names on it will be WAITING for her to go to jail.

Let’s see what how many more chances Ms. Dillard will get on June l4. Check back on June l4 to see if she once again was a no show and once again she will get yet another chance.